Releasable GripLockTies were invented and patented initially for Air Racing to solve the problems or ordinary zip ties that are either too tight and break or too loose and move around.GripLockTies Innovative Rubber Lined Zip Ties solve the problems of damaged wires and cuts into structure and paint. Everyone in aviation knows (or should know) not to put ordinary zip ties on Engine Mounts. Old-style ties will loosen when the pressure deforms the wire and cut the wires or worse cut through the paint and structure and cause structural damage. With Rubber-Lined GripLockTies the rubber lining pads the wires and structure and holds it stable under vibration and eliminates the damage of old slip ties saving time, weight and money over Adel Clamps. GripLockTies were developed for aviation and racing with UV protection, higher heat rating and a super strong positive latch and can be repositioned during construction and then clipped flush.
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